Apr 13 2020 Hello Pilot Light, Glad You’re Back
It’s an odd thing to lose your vision. To lose your ability to see yourself in your own dreams. You know the vision in your heart, but your faith or belief in the possibility just fades and you cannot grasp on to it, you cannot dare hope. And then you turn a corner, you are reminded, the spark is lighted and you can once again commit to your dream, to your vision. Where did that flame go? Like a pilot light out in your stove, the spark that lights the flame, that keeps the passion coursing through your veins, just disappears. Maybe it was gradual, maybe it was all at once. It is hard to know because it isn’t until you miss it that you realise that it is gone. Continue reading
Jun 14 2017 Shrinking Apology
The shrinking apology is my goal.
That is, I want to stop apologising, especially in ways that cause me to shrink. See, I want everyone to know that I know my own faults before they judge me. For some reason, I think that they will judge softer when they know that this isn’t my best work, that I had a cold, that I know I could be better, etc, etc. But the truth is that I need to be able to stand by my work and expand my shrinking self. Continue reading